Wednesday 26 August 2020

People's Liberation Army

    People's Liberation Army

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) of china is the army of the People's Republic of China ,and it's founding and ruling political party is the Chinese Communist Party(CCP).

The PLA have five types of professional service branches 1-Ground force 2-Navy 3-Air force 4-Rocket force and 5th Strategic Support Force.Units around the country are assigned to one of five theatre commands by geographical locations.The PLA is the world's largest military force with the second largest defence budget in the world.The PLA is one of the fastest advancing militaries in the world and has been termed as power projection capabilities.As per the reports of the Global power index .Chinese PLA army is the world's third most powerful army.

The PLA is under the command of the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the CCP. It is legally obliged to follow the principle of civilian control of the Military,although in practical terms this principle has implemented in such a way as to ensure the PLA is total under control of the Chinese Communist Party.PLA commander in chief is general secretary of the communist party of china.It totally shows that PLA is totally responsible to the Chinese Communist Party not for the China.

1-Central Military Commission - Xi Jinping(Chief)
2-Minister of Defense - GEN Wei Denge
3-Chief of Staff department- GEN Li Zuocheng 

PLA Manpower

Military age - 20+
Active military - 2,035,000 (2019
Reserve military - 5,10,000(2019)

Budget Of PLA - 177.6$ billion 2nd highest in world.
Percent OF GDP -1.6%

The Chinese people's liberation army

The PLA is a people's army created and led by the communist party of china and the principal body of China's armed forces.The pla is established on August 1 ,1927 consisted of land forces only in its early days.

History of PLA

The People's Liberation Army was built on several millennia of tradition and a century of western military innovations.It traces it's origins to the august 1,1927 , Napnchang uprising in which Guomindang troops led by the chinese communist party leaders Zhu de and Zhou Enaki rebelled following the dissolution of the first Guomindang Chinese Communist Party united front earlier that year.The survivors of that and other abortive communist insurrections including the autumn harvest uprising led by Mao Zedong fled to the jinggang mountains along the border of human and jianxi provinces.

On August 1 ,1927 the communist party of china launched an armed uprising in Nanchang the capital of jianxi province .The Nanchang uprising led by Zhou enlai he long give birth to the armed forces of the cpc and marked the beginning of cpcs independent leadership over armed struggles.

* War fought by PLA 

1- 1927 Chinese Civil War
2- 1950 Battle of chamdo
3- 1950 Korean War
4- 1954-1955 First Taiwan Strait crisis
5-1958-Second Taiwan crisis
6-1959 - Tibetan crisis
7-1962- India china war 
8-1965- Vietnam war
9-1979- Sino Vietnamese war
10-1996 Third Taiwan crisis

Deadly clash of PLA with Indian army in Galwan valley

The fatal faceoff between PLA and Indian army took place in the moonlight on June 15 ,when soldiers from the indian army clashed with troops from the People's Liberation Army close to patrolling point 14 in the Galwan valley of the eastern ladaki more than 4,300 metres above sea level.
The Galwan river is the highest ridge line and overlooks the DSDBO Road ,posing a direct threat to the highways security.By controlling this area China can keep Indias claim on the aksar chin plateau in check.India claims china has recently begun amassing troops in the LAC and venturing deeper into comtested Ares.

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