Saturday 29 August 2020

Amazon Jeff bezos

Hello Guys, Today we will discuss about the lifestyle of the richest man alive on earth. So lets start

Jeff Bezos

Jeffrey Preston Bezos born in January 12, 1964 Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States. He is an American internet entrepreneur, industrialist, media proprietor, and investor. He is best known as the founder, CEO, and president of the multi-national technology company Amazon. The first centi-billionaire on the Forbes wealth index, Bezos has been the world's richest person since 2017 and was named the "richest man in modern history" after his net worth increased to $150 billion in July 2018.

Early Life and Career

While still in high school, Bezos developed the Dream Institute, a centre that promoted creative thinking in young students. After graduating (1986) summa cum laude from Princeton University with degrees in electrical engineering and computer science, he undertook a series of jobs before joining the New York investment bank D.E. Shaw & Co. in 1990. Soon named senior vice president—the firm’s youngest—Bezos was in charge of examining the investment possibilities of the Internet. Its enormous potential—Web usage was growing by more than 2,000 percent a year—sparked his entrepreneurial imagination. In 1994 he quit D.E. Shaw and moved to Seattle, Washington, to open a virtual bookstore. Working out of his garage with a handful of employees, Bezos began developing the software for the site. Named after the South American river, Amazon sold its first book in July 1995.


In late 1993, Bezos decided to establish an online bookstore. He left his job at D. E. Shaw and founded Amazon in his garage on July 5, 1994, after writing its business plan on a cross-country drive from New York City to Seattle. Bezos initially named his new company Cadabra but later changed the name to Amazon after the Amazon River in South America, in part because the name begins with the letter A, which is at the beginning of the alphabet. He accepted an estimated $300,000 from his parents and invested in Amazon. He warned many early investors that there was a 70% chance that Amazon would fail or go bankrupt. Although Amazon was originally an online bookstore, Bezos had always planned to expand to other products. Three years after Bezos founded Amazon, he took it public with an initial public offering (IPO). In response to critical reports from Fortune and Barron's, Bezos maintained that the growth of the Internet would overtake competition from larger book retailers such as Borders and Barnes & Noble.
Bezos receives the James Smithson Bicentennial medal in 2016 for his work with Amazon.
In 1998, Bezos diversified into the online sale of music and video, and by the end of the year he had expanded the company's products to include a variety of other consumer goods. Bezos used the $54 million raised during the company's 1997 equity offering to finance aggressive acquisition of smaller competitors. In 2000, Bezos borrowed $2 billion from banks, as its cash balances dipped to only $350 million. In 2002, Bezos led Amazon to launch Amazon Web Services, which compiled data from weather channels and website traffic. In late 2002, rapid spending from Amazon caused it financial distress when revenues stagnated. After the company nearly went bankrupt, he closed distribution centers and laid off 14% of the Amazon workforce. In 2003, Amazon rebounded from financial instability and turned a profit of $400 million. In November 2007, Bezos launched the Amazon Kindle. According to a 2008 Time profile, Bezos wished to create a device that allowed a "flow state" in reading similar to the experience of video games. In 2013, Bezos secured a $600 million contract with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on behalf of Amazon Web Services. In October of that year, Amazon was recognized as the largest online shopping retailer in the world.
In May 2016, Bezos sold slightly more than one million shares of his holdings in the company for $671 million, the largest sum he had ever raised from selling some of his Amazon stock. On August 4, 2016, Bezos sold another million of his shares for $756.7 million. A year later, Bezos took on 130,000 new employees when he ramped up hiring at company distribution centers. By January 19, 2018, his Amazon stock holdings had appreciated to slightly over $109 billion; months later he began to sell stock to raise cash for other enterprises, in particular, Blue Origin. On January 29, 2018, he was featured in Amazon's Super Bowl commercial. On February 1, 2018, Amazon reported its highest ever profit with quarterly earnings of $2 billion. Due to the growth of Alibaba in China, Bezos has often expressed interest in expanding Amazon into India. On July 27, 2017, Bezos momentarily became the world's wealthiest person over Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates when his estimated net worth increased to just over $90 billion. His wealth surpassed $100 billion for the first time on November 24, 2017, and he was formally designated the wealthiest person in the world by Forbes on March 6, 2018, with a net worth of $112 billion.

Bezos in 2010

In March 2018, Bezos dispatched Amit Agarwal, Amazon's global senior vice president, to India with $5.5 billion to localize operations throughout the company's supply chain routes. Later in the month, U.S. President Donald Trump accused Amazon—and Bezos, specifically—of sales tax avoidance, misusing postal routes, and anti-competitive business practices. Amazon's share price fell by 9% in response to the President's negative comments; this reduced Bezos's personal wealth by $10.7 billion.[56] Weeks later, Bezos recouped his losses when academic reports out of Stanford University indicated that Trump could do little to regulate Amazon in any meaningful way. During July 2018, a number of members of the U.S. Congress called on Bezos to detail the applications of Amazon's face recognition software, Rekognition. Additionally, statements by the Trump administration, in favor of overturning the antitrust law known as the Paramount Decree, have been predicted to help Amazon acquire the Landmark Theaters chain.
Criticism of Amazon's business practices continued in September 2018 when Senator Bernie Sanders introduced the Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies (Stop BEZOS) Act and accused Amazon of receiving corporate welfare. This followed revelations by the non-profit group New Food Economy which found that one third of Amazon workers in Arizona, and one tenth of Amazon workers in Pennsylvania and Ohio, relied on food stamps. While preparing to introduce the bill, Sanders opined: "Instead of attempting to explore Mars or go to the moon, how about Jeff Bezos pays his workers a living wage?" He later said: "Bezos could play a profound role. If he said today, nobody who is employed
at Amazon will receive less than a living wage, it would send a message to every corporation in America." Sanders's efforts elicited a response from Amazon which pointed to the 130,000 jobs it created in 2017 and called the $28,446 figure for its median salary "misleading" as it included part-time workers. However, Sanders countered that the companies targeted by his proposal have placed an increased focus on part-time workers to escape benefit obligations. On October 2, 2018, Bezos announced a company-wide wage increase, which Sanders applauded. The American workers who were being paid the minimum wage had this increased to $15 per hour – a decision that was interpreted as support for the Fight for $15 movement.

One of the most expensive divorce

MacKenzie Bezos and Jeff Bezos are divorced after 25 years of marriage.A King County, Washington judge on Friday signed an order formalizing the separation. That sets the stage for the transfer of some 19.7 million shares of Inc. to MacKenzie’s name. The Bezoses announced the split in January.That 4% holding is valued at $38.3 billion, enough to place her 22nd on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, a ranking of the world’s 500 richest people. Her former husband, the founder and chief executive officer of the world’s largest online retailer and web-services company, retains a 12% stake worth $114.8 billion and remains the world’s wealthiest person.The court papers formalizing the divorce revealed little else about the terms of the separation. The couple filed a parenting plan for their children earlier this week. MacKenzie Bezos, a 49-year-old novelist, said in an April tweet that she gave Jeff Bezos, 55, all of her interests in the Washington Post and space-exploration company Blue Origin.She also signed the Giving Pledge in May, promising to donate more than half of her fortune to philanthropy.
“I won’t wait," she wrote in her pledge. “And I will keep at it until the safe is empty."
Jeff Bezos, 55, remains the world’s richest person, with a 12% Amazon stake worth $112 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. He’ll retain other assets, including the Washington Post and space-exploration company Blue Origin, MacKenzie Bezos, 49, said in an April tweet.The amounts involved are unprecedented. While Oracle Corp.’s Larry Ellison has been through multiple divorces, none has affected his stake in the software maker. Likewise, Google co-founder Sergey Brin’s stake remained unchanged after he and Anne Wojcicki divorced without fanfare in 2015.
Oil industry magnate Harold Hamm’s separation from Sue Ann Arnall was far messier. The couple filed for divorce in 2012 after 26 years of marriage, and their trial two years later ended with Hamm, the chairman and CEO of Continental Resources Inc., being ordered to pay her $972 million of his then-estimated $16.1 billion fortune. Arnall later sought to reopen the case but the Oklahoma Supreme Court dismissed the appeal in 2015.The divorce petition identifies Bellevue, Washington-based Ted Billbe as her lawyer. Seattle’s Sherri Anderson is the attorney for Jeff Bezos.

Bezos after divorce

Between March and April 2020, amid the pandemic, Amazon said it hired 175,000 additional workers
In April 2020, Bezos said he would give $100 million to Feed America, a nonprofit that operates food banks and food pantries across the country.
Amazon has faced criticism from U.S. senators and the general public for its treatment of warehouse workers during the coronavirus pandemic.
He divorced his wife MacKenzie in 2019 after 25 years of marriage and transferred a quarter of his Amazon stake to her.
In 2019, Amazon notched $280.5 billion in revenues and a record $11.5 billion in net profit.
Bezos owns The Washington Post and Blue Origin, an aerospace company that is developing rockets for commercial use.

Wednesday 26 August 2020

People's Liberation Army

    People's Liberation Army

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) of china is the army of the People's Republic of China ,and it's founding and ruling political party is the Chinese Communist Party(CCP).

The PLA have five types of professional service branches 1-Ground force 2-Navy 3-Air force 4-Rocket force and 5th Strategic Support Force.Units around the country are assigned to one of five theatre commands by geographical locations.The PLA is the world's largest military force with the second largest defence budget in the world.The PLA is one of the fastest advancing militaries in the world and has been termed as power projection capabilities.As per the reports of the Global power index .Chinese PLA army is the world's third most powerful army.

The PLA is under the command of the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the CCP. It is legally obliged to follow the principle of civilian control of the Military,although in practical terms this principle has implemented in such a way as to ensure the PLA is total under control of the Chinese Communist Party.PLA commander in chief is general secretary of the communist party of china.It totally shows that PLA is totally responsible to the Chinese Communist Party not for the China.

1-Central Military Commission - Xi Jinping(Chief)
2-Minister of Defense - GEN Wei Denge
3-Chief of Staff department- GEN Li Zuocheng 

PLA Manpower

Military age - 20+
Active military - 2,035,000 (2019
Reserve military - 5,10,000(2019)

Budget Of PLA - 177.6$ billion 2nd highest in world.
Percent OF GDP -1.6%

The Chinese people's liberation army

The PLA is a people's army created and led by the communist party of china and the principal body of China's armed forces.The pla is established on August 1 ,1927 consisted of land forces only in its early days.

History of PLA

The People's Liberation Army was built on several millennia of tradition and a century of western military innovations.It traces it's origins to the august 1,1927 , Napnchang uprising in which Guomindang troops led by the chinese communist party leaders Zhu de and Zhou Enaki rebelled following the dissolution of the first Guomindang Chinese Communist Party united front earlier that year.The survivors of that and other abortive communist insurrections including the autumn harvest uprising led by Mao Zedong fled to the jinggang mountains along the border of human and jianxi provinces.

On August 1 ,1927 the communist party of china launched an armed uprising in Nanchang the capital of jianxi province .The Nanchang uprising led by Zhou enlai he long give birth to the armed forces of the cpc and marked the beginning of cpcs independent leadership over armed struggles.

* War fought by PLA 

1- 1927 Chinese Civil War
2- 1950 Battle of chamdo
3- 1950 Korean War
4- 1954-1955 First Taiwan Strait crisis
5-1958-Second Taiwan crisis
6-1959 - Tibetan crisis
7-1962- India china war 
8-1965- Vietnam war
9-1979- Sino Vietnamese war
10-1996 Third Taiwan crisis

Deadly clash of PLA with Indian army in Galwan valley

The fatal faceoff between PLA and Indian army took place in the moonlight on June 15 ,when soldiers from the indian army clashed with troops from the People's Liberation Army close to patrolling point 14 in the Galwan valley of the eastern ladaki more than 4,300 metres above sea level.
The Galwan river is the highest ridge line and overlooks the DSDBO Road ,posing a direct threat to the highways security.By controlling this area China can keep Indias claim on the aksar chin plateau in check.India claims china has recently begun amassing troops in the LAC and venturing deeper into comtested Ares.

Monday 24 August 2020

Jio Giga Fiber Plans

Welcome Guys, Today we are here to discuss about Jio Giga Fiber. Before coming to our main topic lets discuss some basic of fiber internet connectivity and fiber broadband connection.

What is Broadband?

The term broadband commonly refers to high-speed Internet access that is always on and faster than the traditional dial-up access. Broadband includes several high-speed transmission technologies such as:
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
Cable Modem
Broadband over Power lines (BPL)
The broadband technology you choose will depend on a number of factors. These may include whether you are located in an urban or rural area, how broadband Internet access is packaged with other services (such as voice telephone and home entertainment), price, and availability.

After talking about various mode of high-speed transmission technologies. Today we will discuss about fiber internet connectivity. So lets get started

What is Fiber Internet connection?

Fiber optic technology converts electrical signals carrying data to light and sends the light through transparent glass fibers about the diameter of a human hair. Fiber transmits data at speeds far exceeding current DSL or cable modem speeds, typically by tens or even hundreds of Mbps.
The actual speed you experience will vary depending on a variety of factors, such as how close to your computer the service provider brings the fiber and how the service provider configures the service, including the amount of bandwidth used. The same fiber providing your broadband can also simultaneously deliver voice (VoIP) and video services, including video-on-demand.
Telecommunications providers sometimes offer fiber broadband in limited areas and have announced plans to expand their fiber networks and offer bundled voice, Internet access, and video services.
Variations of the technology run the fiber all the way to the customer’s home or business, to the curb outside, or to a location somewhere between the provider’s facilities and the customer.

How does fiber broadband work?

It uses a network of fiber optic cables to deliver high-speed data over greater distances. The data travels down the cables literally at the speed of light. This means you're more likely to get faster download speeds and a more reliable connection to the internet.
According to Ofcom, most homes in the UK still have ADSL broadband, which uses standard copper phone lines. But you don't need to worry about what ADSL is if you have fiber broadband.

How fast is fiber broadband?

Ultrafast FTTP connections offer minimum download speeds of 300Mbps, according to Ofcom. But most fiber connections in the UK are superfast FTTC, and they offer download speeds of at least 30Mbps.

 That said, the actual speed you'll get can depend on how far your home is from the street cabinet or telephone exchange.
 Other things can also affect fiber broadband speed, including:
 Speed of your device
Internal wiring in your home
Number of people using the network
Time of day

What are the benefits of fiber broadband?

Internet speed
Fiber broadband uses actual beams of light to transport more data in less time.
So with fiber broadband you can do everything faster than with ADSL broadband:
Stream catch-up TV
Download music or movies
Play online games
Browse websites
Shop online
Use social media
Work from home and keep in touch with colleagues


So this is the brief information of fiber internet broadband or we can simply say fiber broadband

So in India we all know Jio is the company who delivers great calling service as well as they provide vast internet services too. So we will discuss how Jio Giga Fiber delivers the internet service to India as well as how they provide internet in those areas where telecommunication tower is not been established till today. So lets start
Jio Fiber is a fibre-to-the-home internet broadband service provided by telecom operator Reliance Jio Infocomm, part of the Mukesh Ambani-controlled Reliance group. The service was first announced as Jio GigaFiber in 2018 at the Reliance Industries 41st annual general meeting. Later renamed Jio Fiber, it is scheduled for a commercial launch on September 5, 2019.

 The Jio Fiber service is currently under trials at select locations in several cities and states. The FTTH broadband service promises a speed of up to 1 Gigabit per second. Besides, it would be the core technology enabler behind the GigaTV platform and the company’s products in the internet of thing (IoT) ecosystem.
 Currently, the Jio Fiber broadband service is offered at select locations across the country under the company’s preview offer. In the preview offer, the broadband service is provided by the company without any cost. But, to obtain the connection, a user needs to deposit a refundable security deposit of Rs 4,500 for a 100Mbps and Rs 2,500 for 50Mbps connection. Though there is no deadline for the preview offer, it is expected to end soon after the commercial launch.

 Though the company is yet to unveil Jio Fiber plans, Ambani announced at Reliance Industries’ 42nd annual general meeting that the Jio Fiber base plan with a 100Mbps speed would start at Rs 700. The company also shared its plans to launch ‘Jio forever’ data plans, in which a free 4K LED television will be bundled with a Jio Fiber connection set-top box.
 The bundled set-top box would be capable of streaming 4K resolution content. It will also support console-like gaming with support for external joysticks and controllers. It will have a provision to make video calls and also be capable of providing mixed reality experience for shopping, education, etc. Besides content from other platforms, the set-top box would come with a built-in suite for Jio apps, for entertainment, educations, cloud services, etc.

How to apply for Jio Giga Fiber in your area?

To Get Jio Fiber connection click & follow below steps:
Enter your Name, Mobile Number and click “Generate OTP”
Enter “OTP” received on your Mobile Number & click “Verify OTP”
Enter your Address where you need Jio Fiber connection
Click on “Submit”.


Thursday 20 August 2020

Best smartphone under 13000 with good battery backup

 Hello Guys, welcome to our Blog today we are discussing about two great budget devices which came from two different reputed Brands Realme and Xiaomi
So lets get started the two phones which we are talking about are named realme narzo 10 and xiaomi note 9
Some major specifications of these phones are as below

Realme Narzo 10


MediaTek Helio G80
Up to 2.0GHz


48MP AI Quad Camera
119° Ultra Wide-angle Lens
16MP AI Selfie Camera
AI Beauty


5000mAh Massive Battery
Up to 39-day Standby
18W Fast Charge
USB Type-C


Realme UI
Latest Android 10


16.5cm(6.50) HD+ Mini Drop Display
Resolution: 1600 x 720 HD+

This device comes with two varients Narzo 10 and Narzo 10A
Narzo 10 4GB+128GB (₹11,999)
Narzo10A 3GB+34GB (₹8,999) 
4GB+64GB (₹9,999)

Redmi Note 9


MediaTek Helio G85
Up to 2.0GHz


48MP AI Quad Camera
119° Ultra Wide-angle Lens
13MP AI Selfie Camera
AI Beauty


5020mAh Massive Battery
Up to 39-day Standby
22.5W Quick Charge
USB Type-C


Latest Android 10


16.58cm(6.53) FHD+ Dot Display
Resolution: 2340 x 1080 FHD+

 The device comes with three varients

4GB+128GB (₹ 13,499.00)
4GB+64GB (₹ 11,999.00)
6GB+128GB (₹ 14,999.00)

Along with four color options

Aqua Green

Pebble Grey

Arctic White

Scarlet Red

Brief comparisons between both the devices


Although both the devices are quite good to justify their prices but if you want my opinion I’ll go with mi note 9 not because of MI brand this phone is significantly better if we’re talking about specs sheets mi holds the great position between both the devices note 9 comes with FHD+ Display which is pretty good to enjoy Videos in 1080p resolution and nowadays Netflix is trending all around and watching series and movies on mi note 9 definitely we’ll get best immersive experience if compared with Narzo 10 we wouldn’t get that much of display quality because of less pixel count. Both the devices are good both justifies there prices but this time MI wins the fight if you’re spending ₹12k you should definitely go with Redmi Note 9.


Redmi Note 9

Realme Narzo 10

Monday 17 August 2020


THE NEW EDUCATION POLICY 2020                                                                                                                                                                                    

    • Highlights of National Education Policy 2020 (NEP,2020)
    1. New policy aims for universalization of education from pre -school to secondary level with 100% Gross Enrolment ratio (GER)  in school education by 2030.
    2. NEP 2020 Will bring 2 croreout of scholl children back into the main stream through open schooling system.
    3. The current 10+2 system to be replaced by a new 5+3+3+4 cucrricular structure corresponding to ages 3-8,8-11,11-14 and 14-18 years respectively.This will bring the hitherto uncovered age group of 3-6 years under school curriculum,which has been recognizes globally as the crucial stage of development of mental facilites of a child.
    4. Emphasis on foundational literacy and numeracy ,no rigid separation betwwen academic streams ,extracurricular,vocational streams in schools Vocational education to start from 6th class with internships.
  • The policy envages broad based multi disciplinary,holistic under graduate education  with flexible curriculum,creative combinations of subjects,integration of vocational educatiobn and multiple entry and exit points with appropriate certification.UG Eeducation can be 3 or 4 years with multiple exit options and appropriate certification within this period.                                        
  • THE NATIONAL RESEARCH FOUNDATION will be created as an apex body for fostering a strong research culture and building research capacity across higher education .
  • HIGHER EDUCATION COMMISSION OF INDIA  will be set up as a single overaching  umbrella body the fro entire higher education  excluding medical and legal education .HECI to hva e four independent verticals  NATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION REGULATORY COUNCIL,GENERAL EDUCATION COUNCIL,HIGHER EDUCATION GRANTS COUNCIL,NATIONAL ACCREDITATION COUNCIL.Public and private higher educatiopn institutions willl be  governed by the same set of norms for regulation accreditation and academic standards.
  • Affiliation of collegs is to be phased out in 15 years and a stage wis mechanism is to be established for granting gradedautonomy to collegs.Over a period of time, it is envisaged that every college would develop intoneither an autonomous degree - granting college or a constituent college of a university.
  • Technology in Education
  • An autonomous body ,the NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY FORUM(NETF),, will be created to provide a platfrom for the free exchange of ideas on the use of technology to enhance learning assessment ,planing,administration .Appropriate integration of technology into all levels of education will be done to improve classroom process support teacgher professional development ,enhance educationalacess for adminisdtration and management.
  • Promotion of Indian Languages
  • To ensure the preservation ,growth, and vibrancy of all the indian languages,National education policy recommmends setting a INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TRANSLATION and INTERPRETATION, NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR PALI ,PERSIAN,AND PRAKRIT ,strengthing of sanskrit and all language departments.
  • INTERNATIONALIZATION OF EDUCATION will be faciliated through both institutional collaborations and student and faculty mobility and allowing entruy of top world ranked universities to openn campues in country but in our country most of  the people and educationists thinks that this will promote more privatization in the education filed most of the students cant afford the fees of these higher institutes.
  • Other Major changes in NEP 2020.
  • AN Autonomous, the NATIONAL EDUACTIONAL TECHNOLOGY FORUM(NETF), will be created to provide a paltform fro the free exchange of ideas on the use of technology to enhhance the learning.
  • National assessment centre PARAKH has been created to assess the students. 
  • It also gives the permission to the foreign universities to set up their campuses in india by this indian students no need to go to other countries for their higher education.
  • National institute for pali ,persian , and prakrit , indian institute of translational and interpretation to be set up.
  •  In this NEW EDUCATION POLICY indian government also decides to spend 6% of the indian GDP on the education sector.
  • Currently , India spends around 4.6% of its total gdp on the education budget , one major think is that indias neighbouring countries like NEPAL, and BHUTAN  spends more than india on their education budget.
  • THE 42 Amendment of the constitution in 1976 moved  education from the state to the concurrent lsit.

  • Gross enrolment ratio in higher education to be raised to 50% by 2035 also , 3.5 crores seats to be added in higher education
  • The current gross enrolment ratio in higher education is 26.3%.
  • M.Phil courses will be discontinued and all the courses at undergraduate,postgraduate and phd level will now be interdisciplinary.
  • Class 10 and 12 board examinations to be made easier , tom test core competencies rather than memorised facts ,with all students allowed take the exam twice.
  • School governance is set to change with  a new accrediation  frame work and an independent authority to regulate both public and private schools.

By 2030 , the minimum degree qualification for teaching will be a 4- year integarted B.Ed degree.


  • Vision and key principles
  • Universal Access and early chilhood education
  • Curricular and Pedagogic structures
  • Schools , Complex ,Accreditation
  • Teachers- education and developmet                                                                                                    

  1. An eduaction system that continues to an equitable and vibrant knowledge society, by providing high quality education to all.
  2. Develops a deep sense of respect towars the fundamental rights , duties, and constitutional values , bonding with ones country and rewsponsibilities in a changing world
instills skills , vlaues and dispositions that support responsible commitment to human rights , sustainable development and living and global well being thereby reflecting a truly global citizen.

  • NEW EDUCATION POLICY COMES AFTER 34 YEARS now it will play a real measterstroke  in the education system of india.                                                                                                          
  • Negative nd Controversial points for New Education Policy 2020
  • It changes things theoritically.BUT TO APPLY THEM PRACTICALLY IN REAL LIFE IS GOING TO BE A VERY LONG NAD DIFFICULT.Because there are many government schools like this.Where there is no teacher for the children of 5 grade and no sound infrastucture is available in the schools.
  • They exit quickly.There are many government schools with a severe shortage of available teachers .so they are going to give vocational training and give children a choice of different types of subjects.It ssems impossible to give all this because this is another point of criticism because all these superficial chngs.IN MY OPINION , THIS IS LEGAL POINY OF CRITICISM AND IT HAS TO BE SEEN , HOW MUC THESE POLICIES ARE IMPLEMENTED, AND WHAT CHANGES ARE ACTUALLY SEEEN AT THE GROUND LEVEL.

This new policy has been criticize the most on the point of language.

  1. This policy reads that whereas possible the medium of instruction till 5th grade and preferably till class 5th and beyond will be the home language,local language or the regional language.
  2. Thats is the education of the child untill 5 th grade should be in home language,mother language,and regional language.
  3. It is nowhere written that doing so is compulsory,but those who criticize it say that this will force the schools to not teach in english and instead teach in regional languages which will not be beneficial for most of the people.
  4. Imagine,if we say u live in kerala and your child has studied untill xclass 4th in kerala, there upon you shift to maharastra, most of the schools would teach in marathi in maharastra and ur child will not be able to adjust at that time to study in marathi language.
  5. This woild restrict the movement of the people from one state to anotherand this might have a deterimenatl effect. 
  8. IT has also alleged that this policy promotes centralization.


Tuesday 11 August 2020

Is it true?? Asus ROG Phone 3 is the gaming beast of 2020.


Before talking about of this beast. Let’s see some of the specifications of this phone below. This phone comes with two variants 16 GB RAM + 512 GB storage and 12 GB RAM + 512 GB storage both variants are available exclusively on Flipkart. 

If you want one of them I’ll provide the direct buy link below.

 Display 6.59-inch (1080x2340)

 Screen size (inches)  6.59

 Touch screen  Yes

 Resolution  1080x2340 pixels

 Protection type Gorilla Glass

 Aspect ratio  19.5:9


Processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 865+

Processor Manufacturer Qualcomm Snapdragon


Internal storage 128GB



Rear camera         64  megapixel (f/1.8, 1.6-micron) + 13-megapixel (f/2.4) + 5-megapixel (f/2.0)

Rear auto focus     Yes

Rear flash            LED

Front camera       24-megapixel (f/2.0, 0.9-micron)



Storage  128GB

Battery Capacity  6000mAh

OS- Android 10 UI  ROG UI




Wi-Fi standards supported

802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/




Yes, v 5.10



USB Type-C


Number of SIMs




Face unlock


In-Display Fingerprint Sensor


Compass/ Magnetometer


Proximity sensor




Ambient light sensor





Asus ROG Phone 3 Summary

The Asus ROG Phone 3 is designed primarily for gaming but tries to be a well-rounded flagship-class phone. It's large and heavy thanks to its 6000mAh battery and cooling apparatus, but is also extremely powerful with its Snapdragon 865+ SoC. You get fast RAM and storage, plus a full-HD+ AMOLED panel with a 144Hz refresh rate and HDR10+ support. Asus has also customised the ROG Phone 3 with its ultrasonic AirTriggers that act as physical gamepad-like buttons for games. The company's software lets you configure them and also manage several other shortcuts and optimisations for gaming. There are three rear cameras, which take surprisingly good photos in the daytime and at night. The front-firing stereo speakers are a nice touch but there's no wireless charging or IP rating. Games run super smoothly, and we had no trouble at all even at the highest quality settings.

Some key temptations of this phone


ROG Phone 3 is the most powerful gaming phone to use the latest Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 865 Plus 5G Mobile Platform with advanced 5G1 mobile communications capabilities. Built to satisfy even the most hardcore gamer, it has an amazing new 144 Hz / 1 ms display that leaves the competition standing. Alongside upgraded features like Air Trigger 3, you'll find everything you loved about the previous generation, including a monster 6000 mAh battery2, the unique side-charging design, dual front-facing speakers, and a full range of modular accessories. ROG Phone 3 sets the new standard for mobile gaming.

Play to Win

Powered by the world’s fastest3 Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 Plus 5G Mobile Platform, the latest LPDDR5 RAM and UFS 3.1 ROM, ROG Phone 3 delivers the ultimate in overall performance and gives you a super-smooth gaming experience.

Play Cool

The Game Cool 3 cooling system in ROG Phone 3 uses an advanced 3D vapor chamber and a large heat sink that are precisely located to eliminate hotspots. The cooling system is incredibly effective at removing heat during full-speed operation via its specially designed vents.

This comprehensive cooling system allows ROG Phone 3 to easily sustain peak performance during heavy gaming sessions, eliminating throttling to give you an expert edge against the competition. The Aero Active Cooler 3 clip-on external cooling fan delivers increased airflow to hotspots on the casing, particularly the area around the CPU and 5G chip. It can lower the surface temperature by up to 4°C5, but it’s still incredibly compact and connects easily to the side-mounted port.

The state-of-the-art thermal design of ROG Phone 3 ensures that you can always maintain full speed, no matter how long you play.

Play Accurate

ROG Phone 3 is equipped with a stunning 144 Hz / 1 ms AMOLED display. Combined with an industry-leading 270 Hz7 touch-sampling rate, which dramatically decreases the touch latency to 25 ms8, this display takes the gaming experience to the next level. To ensure that visuals on ROG Phone 3 look just like the developer intended, each display is carefully color-calibrated color to ensure a Delta-E value of less than 1, and there’s support for HDR10+ content. The display is also TÜV Rheinland-certified9, so it’s easy on your eyes.


Play It Loud

The new GameFX audio system on ROG Phone 3 is tuned in collaboration with audio optimization specialist Dirac, featuring dual front-facing stereo speakers that deliver powerful and immersive audio for your games. There’s also an all-new Game Mode that lets you pinpoint the location of players using a unique audio algorithm. Bigger speakers, more magnets and improved driver excursion amplify the volume so you can hear every movement to give you the gaming edge.


Asus gaming rog phone 3

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